Somehow I’ve gained a significant number of Twitter
followers despite adding little of value to the debate. I’ve written three
blogs which have had upwards of 1500 hits, but all of these were ranting,
vitriolic outbursts against educational behemoths and/or Divid Didau (only
joking, DD). Here’s something constructive for a change.
I’ve been teaching for months, rather than years. I’m still
in the formative stages of my career, occasionally running up against brick
walls, often running to stand still. Sometimes my ambition outweighs my talent
and occasionally I drop a clanger. Most often, I think I’m pretty good.
Occasionally I am excellent. One thing I am not is consistent.
There are myriad reasons for this. Obviously I am new to the
job. I’m still learning how to do it. The tricks of the trade are revealing
themselves to me. My armoury of techniques and tools is growing by the day. But
the one thing that has prevented me from achieving my aim of being an outstanding
teacher is this: I try too hard.
Joe Kirby’s recent blog about designing a ‘knowledge
unit’ turned a light on for me. I realised that I needn’t plan lessons on
an ad hoc basis. I could plan a unit which would last weeks or months and then,
and this is the amazing part, I could rely on my skill as a teacher to adapt,
mould and differentiate that scheme as I went along. If I knew the outcome I desired,
I could plan backwards from that.
I know the majority of experienced practitioners will be
shaking their heads at my naivety, but I simply did not do this before. I
taught a topic or a novel, thinking that knowledge would just seep into my
pupils, embed itself in their little brainboxes and remain there, just waiting
for the moment it would be called upon, be that an essay, a controlled
assessment or an exam question.
What a fool I’ve been.
Joe and Katie Ashford kindly sent me all the necessary
resources to teach their SoW on Oliver Twist. I’ve never taught such
wonderfully structured lessons before. Admittedly, I’ve tinkered slightly, but the
framework they provided me is clear, coherent and uncomplicated. What’s more,
my Y8 pupils absolutely love it. The quality of the text helps, but the obvious
progression towards an end goal is a hugely motivating factor for them. They
are doing reams and reams of high quality writing – last week I set homework
asking them to summarise the plot and received several four page essays
Marking recent mock exam scripts has had a similar effect on
my planning. I’m so much more aware of the limitations of my students now. What’s
more, I understand the exam papers properly and have a far more developed
awareness of what I need to teach them – I know the end point and will plan
backwards from there.
This latest shift is just the latest in my limited time as a
teacher. Initially, I was happy to teach lessons ‘off the peg’. Pulled from the
school’s hard drive, these may well have been tried and tested, but I soon
realised that I couldn’t teach them. Like an actor turning up on set and
performing a script he’s never seen before, I stumbled over my lines. Adapting
these plans to my own needs (and teaching style) took longer than devising new
lessons, so I abandoned them.
Instead, I planned everything on my own whizzbang version of
the “Five Minute Lesson Plan”. I believed my template to be vastly superior to
Teacher Toolkit’s (I maintain this belief but lack the confidence to promote it
as such), and it worked very well until I realised its limitations – the ease
with which it could be used meant I could plan on an ad hoc, improvised basis.
As a result, lessons became one-offs, with little thought as to how one
followed another or why. Some were smashing lessons, but very definitely not
part of a bigger picture.
Now, my eyes are open and my confidence has grown. My medium
term plans are everything. I am content to turn up to classes with little more
than the skeletal outline of a lesson. Because I know what my pupils need to
achieve I can shape the lesson accordingly. It’s not something I could have
done in September – I needed the crutch of a detailed plan or a series of
activities to ensure I didn’t dry up part way through the lesson.
I now feel I’m entering a more advanced and sophisticated
way of planning and teaching. It means I’ve binned and deleted lots of plans
and lessons I’d designed before. I have no qualms about doing that; they were
not good enough. This new stage in my career might mean more graft in the early
stages of producing units of study, but once done it will free me up to make a
difference where it matters – in feedback, coaching and improving my students.
Don’t be afraid to rip it up and start again. It’s too easy
to fall into habits which don’t do you or your pupils any favours. It’s hard
admitting you got it wrong, but the evolution of my teaching is actually making
my life easier. My pupils are more focused, planning is purposeful and more
easily tailored to my classes and, most importantly of all, pupils are making
better progress.
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