A teacher I worked with last year started every lesson with
ten minutes of silent reading. This was a fairly self-explanatory process: the
students brought in a book from home or the school library and read it for the
allotted time. But was this a good use of their time?
My strong suspicion is that this opening activity was
designed purely for the teacher’s benefit. The silent reading period ensured
the class settled quickly after break or lunch, meant that latecomers didn’t
miss anything vital and allowed her time to set up the lesson, do a register
and finish her coffee. Occasionally she would make a token effort to check that
the pupils had an ability-appropriate novel in their sweaty little mitts, but
largely they were left to their own devices.
Of course, not every child in her class had a voracious
appetite for literature. Many kids would spend ten minutes either staring
through their paperback or around the room. Others failed miserably to ever
bring a book with them. Instead they would steal from the teachers’ appalling collection
of grubby charity-shop cast-offs, reading tattered copies of outdated kid-lit
from the mid-seventies before tossing it carelessly back from whence it came.
As a prospective teacher of English, i’m very aware of the
benefits of a varied diet: as a child I’d polished off CS Lewis by the age of twelve
and had moved onto sneakily stealing copies of my dad’s Steven King novels,
reading my mother’s copies of Bella in the bath and giggling at the readers’
letters in the soggy porn mags I hunted for in local hedges. Without these
formative literary experiences, where would I be now?

This was, of course, a typically caustic joke. But humour
only works when it contains a kernel of truth – and Hicks was a famously honest
and perceptive comic. He knew, like you and I, that reading benefits us by improving
our vocabularies, aids our understanding of the world and our place within it,
enhances our spoken language skills, helps us to empathise or criticise, enables
us to construct arguments and forces us to develop our imaginations.
In principle, then, silent reading ought to be hugely
beneficial – but only if it is active reading. How do you ensure it is a
valuable experience? Ask the kids to write book reviews? Ensure you have a good
selection of books to lend them? Spot quizzes? Replace silent reading with some
form of guided reading tasks? Or just spend ten minutes teaching them something
Let me know below or on Twitter!